Brewing Deals
Find a great deal for a brewer on line or somewhere local? Share those finds with the group here.
Please note: no self-advertising here! If you'd like to advertise a deal or offer to our members, please fill out the contact form and submit the information to the club officers for review.
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Event Discussions
Going to a brew event and want to invite others to join? Here is the place to discuss any sort or brew or social gathers with other members.
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Have a recipe you'd like to share with the group? Have a question about a recipe you plan to brew and would like some input? Here is the place!
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Member Introductions
Members can post create a topic introducing themselves to the group. You may list your brew setup, special brewing techniques you use, or any other random facts about yourself. Other members could use this as resource to find someone using a similar set or a special set of skills that might be needed for special endeavors.
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For Sale / Trade
Members can post extra equipment that other members may be able to utilize, for sale, trade, or free.
*Please note: Forest City Brewers are not responsible for any transactions or equipment listed here.
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